Issues on the 31st March

Dear all, this post is regarding any customers who visited us on Mother's day (31st March). Unfortunately, due to a major mechanical failure of one of our main ovens in the kitchen, there was long delays for food and the quality of the meals may not have been to the highest standard. On behalf of all of the team, we would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to customers eating in the cafe on the 31st March, the issue in the kitchen was completely unexpected and out of our control. The mechanical issue was so severe that we had to evacuate our staff from the kitchen for safety reasons, which led to further disruption and delays. We are pleased to say that no one was hurt and we've had a brand new oven so the problem won't occur again. We kindly ask in times like this, please could customers refrain from being abusive to our members of staff, as the Manager, along with other members of staff received severely inappropriate comments, shouting and abuse, we understand your frustration on the situation, but unfortunately it was unexpected and out of our initial control. We tried to resume normal service as quickly as possible, but with the lack of one of our ovens, inevitably there was delays for the rest of the day. We hope that his hasn't put any of you off from dining with us, as we normally try to provide excellent service. We kindly ask that in future if a similar situation arises, could customers please remain calm and complain in an orderly fashion and we can address your complaints and issue refunds etc, please do not shout or be abusive to our staff as they try their very best to provide the best possible service.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused on the 31st March from everyone at Team Clent.
Regards, Phil and Julie and the rest of the team.